Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Unexpected Turn

There has been an unexpected turn of events in our lives, and it has given me writer's block for the last two months.  Every time I think to writing, I don't know how to start.  The point of a blog (I think!) is to share highlights and snippets from your life under the premise of a theme - and all of a sudden, our theme for the last two months has completely done a shift.  I've never been very good at dealing with sudden change, and so it's taken me some time to catch up.

A little over two months ago, we took Zeke to the opthamologists following a referral from our pediatrician.  I knew Zeke wasn't seeing well and expected them to tell me he needed glasses.  Imagine my shock when they told me he was blind!  It was like being sucker punched in the gut to hear that - the kind of unbelievable that causes any sense of orientation or feeling to leave your body for hours - if not days or longer. 

So, we spend July and August on a roller coaster ride that neither of us (myself or Matt) wanted to be on. 

To catch us up to the present, and to give myself some time to form some new inspiration to continue blogging, I've decided to post the series of emails I sent my very close family and friends, which describe my experience from the day I learned that Zeke was born with bi-lateral congential cateracts, through both eye surgeries, until the present.

I'll post at least one of those letters a week until we are caught back up until now.  If you are following us, thank you for sharing Zeke's journey with us, even as we take a very unexpected turn...

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