Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hello, Everyone!!  Welcome to our blog!  : )
Zeke @ 12 weeks: Thanks,
Great Aunt Karen, Great Aunt Leslie,
and Great Uncle Arlo for my
very cool "First Fourth" onsie!!
I'm super happy to be doing this, it's been a dream of mine for awhile to have a blog to keep our loved ones posted on family happenings - I just never had the chance to sit still long enough to figure out exactly how a blog worked!  I'm sure I still have a lot to learn but I hopefully I have the basics down and can at least submit a post and get you guys pictures.  If it tells you anything, I actually had to download an app to my phone for the first time EVER in order to access the pictures on my phone.  LOL.  So, hopefully I'll get some grace from everyone as I learn to maneuver my way around the blogging world.

I'm not sure how often I'll post just yet, but I will be aiming for at least once a week - and if I get more than one update a week, then I'll consider that extra credit!
So, here we are - starting out with this blog when Ezekiel is 3 months old!  Welcome!  : )


  1. Hi Zuleida!
    Great idea! Am not sure I can figure this out either, but did join and will check back soon.

    1. Hi, Sue! You will get updates to the email address you signed up with, so all you have to do from now on is check your email to see the latest post, or follow the link on your email see the blog and pics.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, mom2nji! I hope to "see" you around!

  3. what a great addition to our family of course I'm talking about Ezekiel AKA: Eazy E (eze get it?). Just made that up so if you don't like it I'm sorry, just go with it. He looks healthy that's a great gift! thank for making a Blog now i can family stalk and gossip all in one place. family love.
